Tax3 device is designed to deliver all functional services necessary
complex heating plants remote management, made for DIN rail (6 modules of breadth, 87x104 mm). Tax3 is a very easy to install and to use device, characterized by a broad expandability and versatility.
The main characteristics are the following:
- 4 digital outputs on relay 6A (not inductive loading)
- 4 analogical outputs 0-10 Vcc (resolution until 11 bit, convertible to inputs)
- 4 digital inputs optic isolated for signals 12-24Vcc-ca
- 4 analogical inputs, which can be used in tension, current, or resistive mode (20 bits resolution)
This device is supplied in multiple configurations to meet the needs of a simple remote alarm, up to the control and regulation of very complex plants. Currently Italian and English language are available, but it is also adaptable to other languages. Tax3 is preset for remote control (local or by modem) by using our program T90Win, allowing the control through synoptic animated and interactive diagrams.